As a Visionary Artist, Carol's art aims to show what lies beyond, breaking through the boundaries of our everyday perceptions of the world and delving into higher states of energy and consciousness.

Arriving in Maine in her early twenties, Carol found it a nurturing environment for self-reflection, community outreach and ultimately a journey of personal empowerment that is as varied as its rocky coastline. Her professional spark was kindled by multiple creative endeavors including watercolor painting, development of a jewelry line and the founding of an artisans’ cooperative. 

Paralleling her artistic interests was an immersion in metaphysical studies. Joining an Intuitive Development Circle proved the most impactful. Over twenty-five years later she still meets weekly to meditate with her three fellow seekers. 

Ultimately, her artistic and spiritual worlds would beautifully intersect. Becoming a certified Feng Shui practitioner, Carol worked with the vital energy, or Ch’i, of her clients’ homes and workspaces. The addition of her Interior Design services was a natural extension of this focus.

These experiences taught her to go beyond our three-dimensional reality to discern and work with unseen energy patterns and formed her worldview that everything holds its own unique vibration — that Everything is Energy. How you respond personally to myriad influences is either auspicious or inauspicious for you. Carol is always working to find a positive balance, and this pursuit is evident in her new love, abstract painting.

Individual and group meditation, intuition, and a dialogue with the canvas itself inform the images Carol builds layer upon layer in her paintings. Her work illuminates glimpses into the etheric fields and multi-dimensional patterns she is so experienced at perceiving. Notes taken from her meditations are often visible in the form of healing symbols, automatic writing and sacred geometry. 

This inspiration found beyond the veil offers an opportunity for growth, healing and insight, and Carol shares her very personal understanding of this world in her images. Ultimately, the viewer is invited to experience a glimpse into her dynamic world of energy fields and vibrational patterns that often go undetected all around us.